Thursday, May 2, 2013

Smoky mountain Hike #2

Please do enjoy the song Home by Edward Sharp while enjoying today's entry.
     One of the two finals down and I think I bombed it :(. I had a 90 going into it and i think I just lost my A. I feel so dejected and bummed out. Test was very tricky. A multiple choice test to rival the MCAT. I need to snap out of this funk and push up the last  mountain of an exam on Friday then I can climb a real peak instead of metaphorical mountains. Only one more test to go until im away and enjoying true freedom and, what am I doing now?? Not studying. Have I become so wrapped up in my own thoughts I cant distract myself from them with the necessary obligations I have. I cant even focus on the things that matter most. The exam today is a demonstration of that transgression on myself and my future.Sometimes I  just feel like beaker form the Muppets.

   Well enough of that lets talk about the trip. My proposed route is 80 miles in length. It will be a real rough route. Its gonna have two escape routes that will cut the mileage down and, cut out the mighty Clingmans dome. At the tallest peak on the AT Clingmans tops out at just under 7,000 ft or so but, it feels much higher when your climbing it.  I have climbed it once its a rough one. When I did climb it my dear friend Mike Ryan and I each ate an entire jar of peanut butter on the ascent. I tried to get him to accompany me on this trip but, he knew better. Last year Mike and I traveled here and saw three baby bears and a moma bear relaxing at the shelter just before Clingmans Dome. I think it was double spring gap shelter. They were freely frolicking in a small field of yellow flowers swatting at bugs in the air clumsily.  A large buck also retreated to the forest their fast once it realized the dangers of the bear and the curious hikers. I wish I had a picture to share but, it only exists in our minds as a memory. We did meet some nice young hikers and shared a bottle of moonshine together the eve before I was hoping to save it for the duration of the trio but, I there was no way I would hold out on a fellow hikers. The next light they left hours before we did but they waited at the shelter with the bear because they didn't want to put pressure on their territories. So, we did get to experience the bears together. They were just section hikers like us and they were a very pleasant group from north GA. They didn't acquire shelter permits so they kept signing in the log books NO permit Ga crew. A hiker befor was kind enough to gather wood for it dry in the shelter for whoever came behind. I don't I would have got my socks dry if it wasn't for it.  That weekend it rained ravenously throughout the duration of the trip. Ill never forget the washed out mudslide of a trail.

             Here is the route im gonna attempt  The main route is proposed in red and the two escape routes are green and blue. I need to hit at least 14 miles a day or so to keep pace with my time limit. If I start to take more time ill have to divert to a easier and less high path. The blue line connecting the red trail is not a stream or river its the escape route. The image below can help understand the total scale of the hike in reference to the Smokeys. The total area of the Smokeys are 800 square miles. What really amazes me is how the spread of shopping malls, starbucks, and gas stations has encroached on the Natioanl Park all the way to its door step. More tourists come to this park then any-other but, very few really understand it and have sweated on the rocks. If I can finish the purposed hike ill get to hike on three different long distance trails. The famous 2,000 mile Appalachian Train, 500 mile Mountain to Sea Trail, and 300 mile Benton Macceky Trail. I may try to hike all three at one point or another. For no other reason other than the fact that they exist. I cant think of any better reason than that in all honesty. Why do anything anyway other than the fact that you can. Its good to experience as much as you possibly can to better yourself. Experience provides insight.

     I just spoke to my sister and it looks like she may tag along with me on this trip. This should be a good chance to bond with her and, a good character building opportunity for both of us. Not to mention its safer to go into the woods with a friends. This way if anything bad happens it happens to both you and, no one lives to speak of the tale.

The map below has a break down of the mileage per day I would like to attempt for this trip. I would say as usual i am overshooting my personal abilities as I am quite an amazingly amatuer like hiker.  Our camps will be located at each mile marker. We are gonna try to avoid the AT shelters for a more peaceful hike with less other people. My tent is quite large and heavy for backpacking but, the extra room will serve us very well.

           I also, made a quick gear list for this trip. For anyone who is interested. You can find it here.
                                                                    GEAR LIST
Well, the eve of the trip is upon up me and I cant wait to finish up classes tomorrow and get the event in Hialeah over. I'm doing a volunteering even teaching youngsters about science. Well be making lava lamps out of food coloring, Alka Seltzer, water, and oil. I can post the instructions here its kinda neat if you have kids.
                                             Instructions for BLOBS IN A BOTTLE

    Lets get this shit show on the road. Its gonna be about a 12 hour car ride to the ranger station where we will fill out all the needed paperwork and acquire a permit for our stay and hike.Im hoping to begin Saturday and hike at least 8-10 miles. That would be just great. The first days always the hardest and, the first morning is even harder still.

  I need to start studying foe this final I have tomorrow or i'm gonna ruin two classes with As.

                                                                -Bryce Parrish

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