Friday, May 3, 2013

Smokey Mountains blog #3

Song for this entry is Morning in the Mountains by Walking Jim

    The final day of reckoning has past. The exam today went well. I feel very strong about it. As soos as i left my house and felt the sunshine on my cheeks I felt ready. The day was filled with the feel of fall and, the freedom of the hills  on the green tunnel awaits. Im still getting all the logistics worked out here. It seems my friend Mike Ryan might be able to make it on the trip. That would make it three of us in total if Tina can come as well.

 Mike in the Everglades on a 20 mile backcountry canoe trip, my goofy red self, and Tina my sister. A good mix of people seeking adventure. In my book the more the merrier because it can lessen the load of the others in the party because the burden can be divided by greater numbers. In my experience with my sister she will most likely develop an elaborate reason as to why she can't go a job interview for a non existent job, or a driver license test, or whatever on the fly excuse she can conjure up but im hoping otherwise.   I think its a great experience for all of us though and it will be her loss weather she realizes it or not. I know my sister needs a much awaited break and, some time to ponder on her developing thoughts. As well as my overworked and underappreciated friend Mike. He probably needs it the most out of all of us. Above all though I really wish more than anything I could share these trips with my brother but, thats for a whole other story perhaps one told at a later date. Nothing strengthens the bond between brothers like good old fashioned blood, sweat, tears, and of course PAIN. This will never happen as he repeated on several occasions he wants nothing to do with me, my sister, and of course our parents. It is one of the only great let downs of my life that my brother has chosen a path of isolation, alienation, and in my opinion  it is the biggest let down in my life. I know it will become equally regrettable in his life as well. I wish nothing but happiness for him though but, I fear in the path he has chosen that may be unattainable.

    On a side note last night I was able to attend an Edward Sharp concert at Sunfest. Sunfest is an annual music festival in WPB its sure to please. I should of been studying but, sometimes we all make mistakes. I know that doing things like this are the reasons for earning B's instead of A's but, I am a mere mortal with a desire for simple self indulgent pleasures. I think the exam tomorrow will be ok if it was an issue I would of not gone to the show. I met up with an old friend and fling of mine. We proceeded to enter an eighteen year old scotch induced coma before staggering and sauntering down to the stage. She works downtown and her office provided an exceptional venue for the tasty consumption. This event did create a less than favorable condition for returning to Davie Fl. I did take all assertions  to maintain a state of compliance within the parameters of  law. After the concert we went to Roxys and proceeded to conquer a mountain of chicken nachos. Which were exceptionally drunkenly satisfying.

   Overall, the show was great I really enjoy the music they play. The song in the blog before this was by them. Click the link to hear if you so please. I have many a fond memories playing in the field that is being trampled by all the people in attendance of the concert. Once upon a time ago a large building stood here and, it was demolished. My Dad and I watched it go down. It was so loud and, dust flew everywhere. We were lucky enough to have a sanctuary from the encroaching dust storm of wood, concrete, and, metal. My Dad was a prominent old school lawyer with a office located in the antediluvian antiqued Citizens building. So, we were fortunate enough to duck inside the buildings lobby and didn't get consumed by the toxic cloud that others were not so fortunate to escape this fate. The dust was composed of atomized tiny particles of the once standing building. My Dad being the outstanding gentleman that he is ushered as many people in as  he could into the lobby to free them of the lung annihilating fate. He is one of the best men I know followed by his father Col. Parrish my Grandfather (RIP 04).This was the first building I witnessed go down. The second was also exciting but, a reminder of painful memories of the past.

     Just as a fire starts with a single spark. The desire to hike the trail does as well. It started for me as a day hike on the Rainbow falls Mt. Leconte trail with my parents who only wanted a little taste of the extremely strenuous adventurous  trail that was severely underestimated by me. My parents battled as long as they could and reluctantly admitted they could go no further when the trail came close to the edge of about a 100 foot drop off. The trail was only about 7 inches wide at this point. I could understand the hesitant feeling they had. I was enthralled with passion and wanted to keep climbing. At this point its been over a year and half since I was athletic. The feeling of my pounding heart was invigorating and, reminded of what it felt like to be a competitive epee fencer (stories of this time will come later).  The mountain air swelled my lungs with the expansion of my diaphram. I was addicted. My parents could see my passion for the ascent so they immediately said they would meet me on the downward side of the mountain in the evening so I could summit and, climb down the opposite side. I was reluctant to leave them to climb back down the mile and a half alone. Both my parents have fading health in their old age. My dad has chronic diabetes type 2 and is non compliant with a healthy lifestyle  My mother is on the liver transplant and is improving everyday from a server hospitalization after a massive GI bleed about two years ago. Sge required 15 units of blood and a bag of platelets  She, is strong at this point and may get taken off the list. An extremely rare fate. Usually the only way off the list without a new liver is death. We are all very proud of her recovery.
                                2 weeks in  hospital at Sebring Florida suffering allot but spirits are high
                 4 weeks in post transfer to Tampa General and getting on the transfer list. Few days out of the ICU and walking. Starting to recover.
                                   Birthday celebration in Tampa 1 day post discharge very frail and weak. Total time in hospital was 1 month and a half. At two different hospitals.
                1 year after discharge only one hospitalization for an encephalopathic attack. No visits since and hiking the Smokeys and getting stronger everyday.    Way to go MOM!!!!
                             Photos are in chronological order to see the great progress she has made.

     It seems the first hickup of the trip has occurred. After my last trip in the everglades. It seems I didnt air out the tent after a torrential downpour. I just opened the bag to check on the tent and, the smell of mold was so strong it toppled me back. Worse part is i opened it my house!!!! I mayt have to purchase a tent tor this trip now for needed comfort during sleep time.

This was a spring break trip. My dear friend Danny came down from New York and we did a quick one nighter in the park. There was a group of giggly girls camping next to us. By the end of the night all of them were huddled in the stinky mens room for the sake of staying dry. I assume the ladies room was equally as full. The park was very crowded I imagine from Spring break. All of their tents were not properly set up and they were all leaking. Which is quite understandable given the conditions. We could see them all dash to rest room one by one till they were all inside ducked away form the ludicrously loud thunder after electrifying bolts of  lightning thrown from the hands of Zeus himself. Our tent stayed dry despite being set up on a depression and we ended up having a delightful water bed to sleep on as a result. I was surprised it didn't leak. At one point I had to take a leak so I went to the bathroom where there was about 20 giggly 18 year old girls. I quitly and quickly meandered through them to get to the urinal. I was a little shy around all the girls in restroom. I finished my business and walked the 50 yards back to the tent. The lightning was so fierce it light up the whole sky. I shuddered and jumped at the crash of the thunder as I walked to the tent. All in all, it was a great experience. I now just have to deal with the ramifications of not taking proper care of my equipment.

The weather should be good with low temps dropping into the 50s and high 40s. There is a chance of sporadic showers but, we will be prepared for the weather if it turns to the south. Should be leaving in about five hours for the drive. I am extremely excited for this to come and, I fear it will be one of the longest drives of my life. 
-Bryce Parrish

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