Monday, May 15, 2017

Medical school and Lack of time

Grades are out from my last semester of Pre-clinical education. I ended up failing a class. So know on top of everything else I have going on I have to study for a remediation exam in the pediatrics course. For those of you who may not know an average semester of medical school requires you to take about 34 credits worth of material. I feel pretty dumb for failing, but it should be one of the easier courses to remediate. Thank the lord I don't have to remediate Pharm all though I know very little pharmacology.

My board exam preparation isn't going that great either. Im currently studying for the COMLEX then I will have take the USMLE next year. Im averaging only about 60% on comebank, and about 40% on Uworld. Im starting to get extremely nervous for the upcoming board exam on June 26th. If your considering medical school I would recommend starting out your first year and buy a question bank. I would recommend selecting topics that your currently studying and use the question bank to help you study for your courses. That way you can accomplish the task of studying for classes, and also studying for boards. Then in second year when your ready to start your dedicated board studying you have a HUGE headstart. If I could do it again thats how I would choose to tackle medical school. I would purchase both Uworld (and combank for DOS), for two years and start out form day one doing like 10 questions a day in addition to your regular studying.

Im going to be starting my clinical rotations in July and I really feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I just finished my second year and Advanced critical life support. I fell the only thing I can do proficient is CPR and I have not even done it before on a person.

For a little background information I attend Nova Southeastern University for Doctor of Osteopathic medicine. If you are not sure what an osteopathic doctor is here is a link that you can read up on to understand what exactly its about.    Osteopathic Medicine 101. I also completed my biology degree at Nova in 2013. I am in the class of 2019. I am currently 31 years of age, I'm a late bloomer. I am passionate about medicine and I am 100% pro vaccine and pro prevention of disease instead of treating disease. More info to come. I am currently in the works of creating a hiking video from a hike I went on in 2013 with my girlfriend in the white river national forrest should be completed in a few weeks. I am so busy I can only afford a few minutes of video work a week. please be patient with me. Studying pediatrics the second time is really annoying and cutting into my board prep like crazy.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


  I have not posted in a while but, Im going to start writing again to help relieve stress from medical school. I am in the process of constructing several youtube videos from hikes that I've taken over the past few years. One of the videos is the video from the hike I went on with my sister in 2013 that I started this blog with. Four years to late is better than never.

Lets just say I've been struggling with allot this past year. Between medical school and taking care of my mother I really don't have much spare time. I decided to make time for this. Going forward this will be a hiking blog and also a medical school advice channel. Board prep information and anything relevant to that nature. In the mean time Ive posted my first video to you tube. Its uploading now. Its called Mike, Oliver, and Bryce Hike the SMkoies. Check it out, let me know what you think heres the link to the video. Its my first youtube video ever.

Also, last year I lost my best friend Mike Ryan to drugs. He will be missed terrible. He is seen below in foreground. Keep a look out more to come soon.