Wednesday, April 19, 2017


  I have not posted in a while but, Im going to start writing again to help relieve stress from medical school. I am in the process of constructing several youtube videos from hikes that I've taken over the past few years. One of the videos is the video from the hike I went on with my sister in 2013 that I started this blog with. Four years to late is better than never.

Lets just say I've been struggling with allot this past year. Between medical school and taking care of my mother I really don't have much spare time. I decided to make time for this. Going forward this will be a hiking blog and also a medical school advice channel. Board prep information and anything relevant to that nature. In the mean time Ive posted my first video to you tube. Its uploading now. Its called Mike, Oliver, and Bryce Hike the SMkoies. Check it out, let me know what you think heres the link to the video. Its my first youtube video ever.

Also, last year I lost my best friend Mike Ryan to drugs. He will be missed terrible. He is seen below in foreground. Keep a look out more to come soon.

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